Jan 12 2023

The OMGC Executive Committee Meeting – January 7th 2023

Published by at 7:11 am under Club News

The OMGC Executive Committee met on January 7th 2023 to review a variety of topics.
Here is a summary of the information and decisions made at the meeting:

* The Club will incorporate under the Canada Corporations Act as a Not-For-Profit group.
* The subject of utilizing written waivers for event participation was reviewed. Examples of such documents will be gathered before a decision is made.
* The Club decided to utilize the BCCI General Liability and Directors & Officers Liability insurance coverage; effective upon the Club becoming incorporated.
* The Club Executives approved membership fees for 2023: Returning, non-current members - $40; Renewal of current members - $40 ($35 if submitted before May 1st); New members - $50
* The Club Executives approved a budget of $6200 for the Christmas party, due to rising costs from the host facilities.
[ Regarding the Christmas party: lower attendance in recent years is a concern. A decision was made to conduct a survey with the the Club membership including questions to determine the interest level in this event. A survey will be designed and distributed in as timely a fashion as possible. ]
* Club website hosting was reviewed. Last year a question was raised about the appropriateness of doing business with a perceived Chinese web hosting enterprise, ICDSoft. After researching, it was determined the company's head office is not in China. Furthermore, in comparing the cost of ICDSoft to that of North American companies, ICDSoft is a bargain.
* It was agreed to put publication of The Dashpot on hold until a new Communications Director is found.

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