Aug 14 2010

Boot’n’Bonnet ABCD

Published by at 6:20 am under Car Shows,Club Events

August 10, 2024
10:00 amto4:00 pm

All British Car Day

It will be at Ken Garrett Park in Inverary. It's about 15 minutes north of Kingston at 4010 Perth Road (Division Street in Kingston) aka highway #10.
Click here to view the location in GoogleMaps
It's a lovely spot with lots of trees, a covered pavilion, and flush toilets!

Note: the cost is $15 per car and DOES NOT include lunch. There will be food trucks onsite for breakfast & lunch where folks can buy their own lunch - or you can bring your own picnic lunch on the day.

Click here to see event information.

Personalized windscreen cards for the event are being offered to folks who PRE-REGISTER.

To PRE-REGISTER for British Car Day, send an e-transfer for $15 to this email address

Then, send an email to ThomasB@QueensU.Ca with these bits of information:
* your name
* your city/town
* your car year & make & model & colour

A personalized windscreen card will be available for pickup at the British Car Day site.

The Boot'n'Bonnet Club will confirm receipt of the payment and the information details and return a pdf copy of the windscreen card (to be sure the information is correct)

This will speed up the registration process, and give the Club an early and better idea of participant numbers.

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