Apr 30 2013

Join The Ottawa MG Club

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The annual membership fee for the Ottawa MG Club is $50 for new members and $40 for renewing members ($35 discounted rate if renewed by May 31st). Dues cover the cost of preparation of club newsletters, event notices and the operating expenses of the club. We host and attend a number of events each year. In some cases, the club covers or subsidizes the cost of refreshments although costs for most events are borne by those attending. The Ottawa MG Club meets on the third Thursday of January, March, May, July, September and November. Meeting locations will be listed on the club website main page. Meetings normally start at 7:00 pm, but folks often begin arriving after 5:30 for a meal and some conversation. Check the events calendar and the website to confirm meeting locations. Visitors are always welcome.

If you'd like to join The Ottawa MG Club, please send an ordinary email with your name, phone number and email address to:


The OMGC automatic responder will send you a membership application form with instructions to complete the form and return it for review. After submitting it, you'll be given options for payment of the membership fee.

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